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Ashley Misiewicz

Villager 1 & Founder

HeadshotThis is my professional profile picture from a previous life as a software company co-founder and marketer. I rarely look this put together, so expect a bun and hoodie when we meet. 

In addition to corporate life, I've held so many amazing roles like swim teacher, first-grade teacher, and tutor, but the most important to me are wife and mom. My super handsome husband, John, and I are high school sweethearts (30+ years since our first date!) and parents to Matthew, Jacob, and Thomas who are outstanding young men. Matthew graduated from college last year, Jacob is pursuing a degree in Engineering, and Thomas is enjoying his Junior year of high school. I've served as the queen bee and household manager for our home with John by my side doing his best to keep up with my next crazy idea, and me his. 

Thomas was born the year after the first iPhone hit the market and, by the time he was four, I had a first-hand seat experiencing what I called the Age of Internet Parenting. Parents seemed more stressed than ever keeping up with the latest blogs, navigating the wild west of kids and technology, and losing their previously connected extended family to the busyness of life. I know the deterioration of The Village happened long before 2007, but the last 16 years have shown me how much support families really need. Taking a meal to a new mom or a friend undergoing cancer treatment showed me how much we desire the ability to lean on one another. Smiling and telling the parents of a screaming toddler that they are "doing great - hang in there" allows them a sigh of relief knowing they are not alone. So, as my career changed and my crew started to leave the nest, I dug into supporting the younger moms around me and realized that the years I've poured into my own family gave me skills that transfer to a group of parents more in need of Village connection than ever. And how many more of me are there? Moms who have extra time after their kids have grown up a little, or a lot, and would love nothing more than to connect with other moms in their Village to offer support. But how? So I started pouring myself into Grow Your Village...

Join me to help families and Grow Your Village!

Unknown Villager

Villager 2

Unknown Villager

Villager 3

Unknown Villager

Villager 4

Company news

We are a little young for this section, but I promise to come back and add more later!